Tag: Free From Fear
SONG’s Free From Fear campaign in Durham launched in January 2015 as part of a regional campaign effort to demand an end to profiling and state violence against people of color and LGBTQ people in southern towns and cities. The…

Tag: Free From Fear
Join SONG for a CALL APRIL 12th at 8PM EST to discuss how we can fight back South Carolina S.1203. To register for the call click HERE. Feel free to forward this email to friends and family as well!!!…

Tag: Free From Fear
Spring is on the horizon, and summer is just a few months away. That means it’s time for SONG Gaycation! We’ve declared 2016 the year to TURN UP for our lives and for our people towards liberation. We’ll be bringing…

Tag: Free From Fear
Last week, leadership in the NC state legislature called a special session to work overtime to legalize discrimination through the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, otherwise known as HB2. This bill isn’t just about bathrooms. It is a clear…

Tag: Free From Fear
This was a speech written by SONG member China Medel for a rally in opposition to anti-immigrant House Bill 318 in North Carolina. My name is China Medel, I’m a member of Southerners on New Ground who has made North…

Tag: Free From Fear
The announcement that Durham Police Chief José Lopez is being forced into retirement, while a clear response to community pressure, will not be enough to address the broken trust between the Durham Police Department and the community. To be sure,…

Tag: Free From Fear
It took thousands of people and decades to build the political power to make this moment possible. We value the heart and labor that has led to this victory, and we know that the survival of our community relies on…

Tag: Free From Fear
#BlackSpring has begun in earnest around the world. In Baltimore, Chicago, Ferguson, Oakland, New York, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Charleston, and cities across the US & the globe, we continue to stand together to build a world where #BlackLivesMatter. There is…