Tag: BLM
The Lorde’s Werq: Black Leadership Development Cohort [En Español] In line with our mandate and our legacy, SONG is pleased to announce the expansion of the North Carolina BLM Cohort to a regional Black leadership development pipeline! In 2017, SONG…

Tag: BLM
La Obra de Lorde: Cohorte de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Negro En línea con nuestro mandato y legado, SONG se complace en anunciar ¡la expansión de la Cohorte BLM de Carolina del Norte en un canal regional de desarrollo de liderazgo…

Tag: BLM
What is the North Carolina BLM Cohort? The North Carolina Southerners On New Ground (SONG) BLM Cohort is a leadership project for Black queer, trans, and gender non-conforming identified organizers and emerging leaders within North Carolina. Through this new cohort,…

Tag: BLM
On July 13, 2016, members of Black Lives Matter Atlanta (BLM ATL) organized civil disobedience to amplify the call for long standing local demands in light of the police killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Jerry Williams. Heavy police…