RSVP today for our first Virginia based Race Traitor call, happening this Sunday, October 4th, 4:30-6 PM on Zoom. Virginia Race Traitors is a series of calls focused on SONGs white membership in Virginia and open to all members across race. We will focus on white SONG members’ role in antiracist and abolitionist freedom struggles. … Continued
Calling all queer white Southern kin. Our ancestors designed this terror. Our cousins are the white vigilantes chasing and murdering Black people and fighting tooth-and-nail to extend this racist regime. As white Southerners, it has been long past time for all of us to come off the sidelines in this moment and play our role. … Continued
We welcome all folks who are want to build power and make Alabama a more just, equitable and beautiful place for all people, including Black, Indigenous and people of color, queer and trans people and working class people. Register for our weekly meetings If you have any questions, email: RSVP here
These every other month calls are a vehicle for member-leaders organizing SONG campaigns across the South to talk to one another, share strategies and tactics, assess the conditions we are facing regionally, share out core organizing training and tools, troubleshoot challenges that are arising, build trust, and strengthen relationships. The Free From Fear regional calls … Continued
The Arts & Culture Working Group is a space for members across the region to support SONG organizationally to use art as an essential political education tool that can create deep connection with our communities. With the help of AgitArte, a community-based grassroots arts organization, members learn how to develop an Arts & Culture crew locally, … Continued
Join SONG Virginia members from all around the Commonwealth for a chance to build relationships with Southern freedom fighters, learn about the practice of abolition, share resources like plant medicine knowledge, and get plugged in with the work for queer and trans liberation! This virtual meet up will happen every other Saturday 4-6PM EST via … Continued
¡Feliz Día Nacional de la Salida del Closet! a sea estes fuera contigo mismx, con tus seres queridxs o no, te valoramos y apoyamos dónde te encuentres en este camino de descubrimiento. Tú eres la medida, avanza a tu ritmo y sé que eres amadx. ------ Happy National Coming Out Day! Whether you are out … Continued
Thousands of our community members -- family, friends, and comrades -- have been ripped from our communities and placed in jails across the South. Our people are forced into poor conditions and denied access to their freedom before trail while being held on cash bail. Despite many being eligible to vote, too many have no … Continued
We welcome all folks who are want to build power and make Alabama a more just, equitable and beautiful place for all people, including Black, Indigenous and people of color, queer and trans people and working class people. Register for our weekly meetings If you have any questions, email: RSVP here
The Political Education Working Group is a space for SONG staff, SONG members and Forever SONG family to identify the current political education needs for our membership. We know that grassroots organizing work requires intense study in rigor, and this space will help us continually provide tools and curricula for our membership. Contact: Angela Henderson (
Join the monthly Make It Rain Working Group calls! The Make It Rain Working Group is a space for members across the region to help SONG fundraise and skill up their development skills! Fundraising is so important to help our organization have campaigns, convenings, and have a strong regional reach queer and trans people across … Continued
We welcome all folks who are want to build power and make Alabama a more just, equitable and beautiful place for all people, including Black, Indigenous and people of color, queer and trans people and working class people. Register for our weekly meetings If you have any questions, email: RSVP here
The SONG Spokescouncil is a longtime dream of the organization. It consists of member leader representatives from each chapter, working group, board, current fellowship cohort, and ForeverSONG family. The Spokescouncil is designed to be a member-led formation for making decisions, sharpening our collective tactics, actions, and work across the region. To Learn More Contact: Carlin Rushing … Continued
We are living through and calling for transformation as protests against the system of policing have kindled fires of rage and solidarity globally. Our abolitionist vision is being embraced and grows with each person fed up, activated, fired up, and ready to fight for queer liberation. In order to win our fights, we must work, … Continued
Feeling anxious about the current state of the world? Don't mourn, organize! Join the Nashville chapter of Southerners on New Ground for a special open membership meeting Monday, October 26th at 7PM CT. This virtual zoom meet-up will be a chance to build relationships with Southern freedom fighters, learn about the practice of abolition, … Continued
We welcome all folks who are want to build power and make Alabama a more just, equitable and beautiful place for all people, including Black, Indigenous and people of color, queer and trans people and working class people. Register for our weekly meetings If you have any questions, email: RSVP here
Canaries in the Coalmine: Radicalized Disinformation in the Digital Age is the deep dive roundtable we all need in our lives. Join us, @ultraviolet, @unitedwedream, @AAAJ_AAJC, and @StopOVAW to learn from experts about the impacts of #disinfo on BIPOC. Livestream Link:
We are living through and calling for transformation as protests against the system of policing have kindled fires of rage and solidarity globally. Our abolitionist vision is being embraced and grows with each person fed up, activated, fired up, and ready to fight for queer liberation. In order to win our fights, we must work, … Continued
Join SONG Knoxville in our final meeting before the election. We will be connecting, dreaming, and scheming for liberation. We will also be talking about ways we can support each other and our communities during the last few days of/and after the election! Register here