
Photo Courtesy Lisa Moyer

SONG members and other organizations and allies across Alabama mobilized to an Oxford City Council meeting this afternoon to call for the full repeal of a local anti-trans ordinance that made it a crime for anyone to use a public bathroom that matches their gender identity. Like in much of the South, local transgender and queer people have been at the forefront of organizing fights to protect and defend our bodies and our lives in our hometowns from the culture wars trying to force us back into the closet.

This afternoon, because of organized pressure to yet another horrible bill, the ordinance in Oxford was REPEALED in a 3-2 vote by the Oxford City Council.

Our resistance to local ordinances and statewide bills like HB2 in North Carolina remains vital for our very survival and for our right to stay in towns and cities across the South. We rise up together, because we know that when we have each other’s backs, and when we fight, we win.