Tag: southern
May 1st, or May Day (International Worker’s Day), emerged out of the fight for an eight-hour workday in 1886 in Chicago. On this day, striking workers clashed with police, resulting in several deaths—four of the protesters were later hanged. In…

Tag: southern
Dear SONG family and friends, Twelve years ago, I unknowingly started a journey toward finding chosen family and a political home. As a queer man from an immigrant family, I was cutting my political teeth doing work around immigrant rights,…

Tag: southern
 Our enemies have waged battles in our backyards but not without our organizing and our outright refusal to live without our desire nor embody their shame. Our defiance and our desire has been our survival and our resistance. Our longing…

Tag: southern
What is the North Carolina BLM Cohort? The North Carolina Southerners On New Ground (SONG) BLM Cohort is a leadership project for Black queer, trans, and gender non-conforming identified organizers and emerging leaders within North Carolina. Through this new cohort,…

Tag: southern
Calling all gender benders, t-guys, t-girls, stealths, fish, voguing femmes, non-binaries, genderqueers, no labels, drag impersonators, androgynous, PreOps, PostOps, grrrrls, boi, kweens, kings, shims, he-shes, gender creatives, and all of the thousands of indigenous titles we can only hope to…