Are you an artist, maker, or crafty queer of any kind AND a SONG member? If so, we have GREAT news for you! In collaboration with our dear friends at Sparkle Bark Farms outside of Asheville, NC, we are piloting a new project offering a total of 6 artist residencies this summer starting in late July through mid August!

What Is It?

  • 4 & 5 days long artist residencies for SONG members hosted by fellow SONG members at Sparklebark
  • Hosted on a beautiful farm located in Weaverville, NC. (about 15 minutes outside of Asheville)
  • Housing and studio space provided + stipends upon request
  • Residents will be staying in a renovated and transformed school bus that will function as both bedroom and studio space
  • Sparkle Bark overlooks the Great Smoky Mountains and it’s a beautiful place for both solitude and creativity
  • Residents will also have the opportunity  *if desired) to collaborate with Beatriz Mendoza
    (painter, artist, botanical illustrator) and Zac (builder, carpenter, screenprinter), owners and artists of Sparkle Bark

Who We’re Looking For

Artists, Makers, Crafty-Queers and SONG members from all dimensions!

Just like in all of SONG’s work we will also prioritize LGBTQ people of color, rural, immigrant and working class Southerners. Even if you don’t consider yourself an ‘artist’ if you are a MAKER – of anything – we want you!

We are looking for:

  • People that are willing to go with the flow. This is a pilot program!
  • People that are excited for something rustic [outdoor kitchen + shower!]
  • People that have not had access to art residencies in the past!
  • Must be an active SONG member that has done work, shown support, or contributed to the lifeblood
    of the organization in some way within the last 2 years

Sparklebark is a small-scale organic homestead and sanctuary. For the past four years Zac and Bea, the owners, have been collaborating with a revolving cast of incredibly talented friends to make this land a peaceful and nurturing retreat, abundant with natural and artistic beauty. We grow a ton of vegetables as well as flowers and herbal medicine and keep a flock of free range chickens. Bea is a fine artist who makes beautiful nature-based drawings and Zac is a builder and designer who has been pouring his heart into beautifying and constructing buildings and infrastructure at Sparklebark. Our vision is to caretake this land as a safe, queer positive sanctuary, where creativity can flourish. We continue to steward and beautify the land through agriculture as well as art, and hope to share it with an ever widening circle of allies and friends.

Facebook: Sparkle Bark
Instagram: royal_dogness & beatrizcmendoza