Brandon was an accomplished writer and activist who touched the lives of thousands
in U.S. based Liberation movements, particularly the LGBTQ movement.
He grew up in Duluth and later Minneapolis, MN, but most recently had been
living in New York City. He was 35 years old.
Brandon was the former Co-Executive Director of Queers For Economic Justice and
also the author of It Ain’t Truth If It Doesn’t Hurt, an anthology of poetry. He was also a
contributor to the Advocate’s 2011 anthology, From Macho to Mariposa: New Gay Latino Fiction.
His last writing can be found on his blog: My Feet Only Walk Forward.
Many in the SONG family knew Brandon for many years, and he was always loved by us
for his passion for joy, art, our communities, and building new connections between people.
He was also known for his deep passion for his work on issues of AIDS/HIV, sexuality,
anti-colonialism, race, gender and economic justice.
He often said: “Our Communities are our Salvation.” He showed his belief in this in many ways:
how he loved us, how he lived hard and loud with us, how he struggled with us,
and how he came back to us again and again.
Our hearts go out to all the people that Brandon considered Family and Community–there were many of us.
Brandon, we wish you the raucous, rowdy peace you love, and which you so deserve.
With Love,
All your Family at SONG