
The North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) – the local chapter of the dangerous police fraternity that works to prevent law enforcement accountability – is hiding away in a hotel in the mountains of Western NC this weekend for their statewide conference. So NC SONG members thought it right to provide some better signs to show where they are. The FOP’s agenda is as plain as day: to protect, cover up, and defend murderous cops, to lobby, advocate for racist police-friendly policies, and intimidate lawmakers, to push out pro-cop and anti-Black public relations spin, and to attack police accountability organizing.

Asheville, NC Fraternal Order of Police President Rondell Lance claimed that “officers are rarely at fault in excessive force complaints,” just weeks before Jerry “Jai” Williams was murdered by an Asheville police officer. “Of the 700,000 officers in the United States, 99 percent, less than 1 percent are ever accused of excessive force,” Lance continued. “Statistics show officers are doing their jobs. And body cameras are showing that.” After Lance said this the Fraternal Order of Police lobbied the NC General Assembly to pass a law that gives North Carolina police broad authority to keep body camera footage secret and bans local communities from making footage available to the public. Two former law enforcement officials co-sponsored the legislation and Governor McCrory signed it into law on July 11th. While the FOP makes excuses + covers up police murders, there is still no justice for Jerry. Community organizers in Asheville are facing repression, backlash, and being targeted by police for being in the streets in defense of Black lives.

As they come for us, we’ll come for them. The FOP is an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE responsible for dreaming up + pushing forward laws and practices that kill our people + so NC SONG members are making it clear they are a danger + a menace to our communities.

To join the work to confront the FOP and other Enemies of the People in North Carolina, CLICK HERE.