Tag: The Lorde’s Werq
The Mandate for Black people in this time: To avenge the suffering of our ancestors. To earn the respect of future generations. To be transformed in the service of the work. – Mary Hooks The Lorde’s Werq: Black Leadership Development…

Tag: The Lorde’s Werq
The Lorde’s Werq: Black Leadership Development Cohort [En Español] In line with our mandate and our legacy, SONG is pleased to announce the expansion of the North Carolina BLM Cohort to a regional Black leadership development pipeline! In 2017, SONG…

Tag: The Lorde’s Werq
La Obra de Lorde: Cohorte de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Negro En línea con nuestro mandato y legado, SONG se complace en anunciar ¡la expansión de la Cohorte BLM de Carolina del Norte en un canal regional de desarrollo de liderazgo…