Tag: campaign
We know that this “bathroom bill” moment calls for us to be bolder and reach farther than ever before as conservative state legislators go after our people all across the South. We’re working to counter the Confederate Spring we saw…

Tag: campaign
SONG’s first Free From Fear campaign was officially launched in Durham, North Carolina, on January 17, 2015 by SONG members, member leaders and staff. We set out to build local and regional power and capacity in order to make needed…

Tag: campaign
Free From Fear: SONG Announces Local Campaigns Across the South “What could be born in our communities if LGBTQ people and people of color were not afraid to walk our streets, lead in our towns, and fully lean into our…

Tag: campaign
We are Alabama SONG. We live in the Deep South; you know, where the black dirt is at and where some folks are scared to come visit because our interstates are littered with confederate flags flying high as New York…

Tag: campaign
The Day After NC voted on Amendment 1’s anti-LGBTQ bill significantly diminishing our people’s protections and autonomy to build our families in the state: OUR win is Bigger!! Because this is only the beginning of a different kind of fight:…